Peoria IL Chiropractic New Year Resolution
Peoria IL Chiropractic New Year Resolution
The New Year is often seen as a time of rebirth, the chance to start anew. Around 7 million of us will make a New Year’s resolution to improve an aspect of our life. For the majority of people, these resolutions will not be kept. If you are suffering from pain a wise New Year's Resolution in Peoria IL would be to contact our clinic.
“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take the step.”
Personally, my New Year resolution this year is about slowing down, enjoying life and the moment more, and taking more time for myself.
A New Start In Peoria IL
So often we are going full steam ahead, multitasking our way through our endless list of things to do. So often last year, I found myself trying to accomplish so many things that I did not even pay attention to the things I did achieve.
Recently I read about an experiment that was conducted. There were a group of people that were split into three groups. Each group met with a professor and was told to go to a nearby building for an important meeting. One group was told to get there immediately, another to get there quickly, and another to take their time.
On their way to the building, a person was in distress, moaning and groaning. Our Peoria IL Chiropractic Clinic thought the results of the experiment were very telling of our society. Of those in the groups told to get there immediately and get there quickly no one stopped to help the person. It was only those in the group told to take their time they actually stopped to help the stranger.
So what was different? It wasn’t the compassion among those in one group as opposed to another. It was simply…time. The one group that stopped to help thought they had time.
Our Peoria IL Chiropractic Clinic knows that we all have the same 24 hours a day. How we choose to spend those 24 hours depends on the priority each of us places on different aspects of our lives. We, and nobody else, decide how to use that time.
From everyone at Tuttle Chiropractic Clinic in Peoria IL, we wish you all the best for a happy and healthy New Year!
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Tuttle Chiropractic
6808 Knoxville Ave Suite B
Peoria, IL 61614